Sunday, January 9, 2011

Despues de una semana en Espana (After 1 week in Spain)

Alright so I know that it is important for me to write my blog in Spanish but I don't have the ambition right now, so instead, this one will just be in English. So I guess what I have learned about Spanish thus far in Spain is that it is exhausting. To have to constantly think in Spanish, speak in Spanish, and be able to understand when everyone speaks Spanish. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy, but man oh man. I mean don't get me wrong, Spain is GORGEOUS! But it is seriously exhausting getting used to using Spanish everyday. But anyway...lets get into the important things like my family! My family is great. I live in a "peanut-sized" apartment with my host-mom Angela, and her two daughters, Alba (20 yrs) and Eva (16 yrs). Our apartment is small but nice. I like it and I really like my family. Living with me in my room, which is about half the size of a dorm room, is Tiffany. She is from Beaver Dam but goes to Oshkosh with me. I really like her a lot and we get along great. Also living with us, we have a girl named Anna from Hungary. She is incredibly nice and fun to be around. I really like her a lot too and she speaks english just as much as we do. So that is also nice. I really like Salamanca. It is a city of about 200,000 people. It is basically like 2 separate cities. There is the residential part of town which is where we all live. Me and the 7 other people from Oshkosh all live in that part of town. It is full of apartment complexes and some shops. But then there is the old part of town. That is where the gorgeous old buildings are. It is incredible! I have some absolutely incredible pictures to put up on facebook and I will do that asap for everyone to see. I really like it here but I miss home too. We have WIFI at our apartment but it isn't working. Hopefully it will be working tomorrow when Angela calls the company. Then I can update this more often. Well I guess that this is all of Salamanca for now.  I will update ASAP! Miss you all and love you!
Besos de Espana!

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