Sunday, January 23, 2011

After 3 Weeks in Spain

Hello All,

So right now I am going alright. I have been in Spain for 3 weeks and I am continuing to slowly get used to things. Except the food...I am pretty much content with things. I don't know if I will ever get used to the food while I am here, but I will continue to try. I think that this is what this trip is all about..trying new things and growing into a better person. Honestly..I could not ask for more support though. I have support from everyone. From my family, my friends, Keith, and Keith's family, and more than I have ever imagined. I appreciate all of the support from everyone, thank you! If I didn't have all of the support, I don't think that I would be doing as well as I am right now. I can say that I am content right now. I am slowly starting to expand my friend circle and meeting new people. I really love meeting new people and everyone here is so interesting because most are from different countries, and those that aren't, are at least from different states. So, that aspect of things I am really enjoying. I feel much better than what I did last week when I posted and I think that it will just continue to get better.  I just wish that I could get my laundry done now and I'd be set for the week. lol!

Anyway here is what is going on. Yesterday I went to Toledo with my group. It was a lot of fun and the city was INCREDIBLE! Just like every city here is. The Cathedral was so beautiful and I got to see my favorite painting by The Greco called El Espolio. I wasn't supposed to take a picture of it, but I did and it was worth getting yelled at for it. :-)  I love the views of the cities and how they operate. The smaller cities are so laid back that sometimes I feel that we are out of place. We are always in SUCH A RUSH to get everywhere, as all Americans seem to be. I quite enjoy just going slowly when I am walking and just enjoying where I am an the scenery. I wish my group wanted to do that more. I think that sometimes we forget that we are in this amazing place with some many amazing things to see, and that we shouldn't forget that. But anyway. Toledo was incredible and I can't wait to get to see more cities!

So I just realized thatI haven't told you about my group yet! My group is 8 college students and we all go to Oshkosh except one of the girls. Andrea goes to UWGB instead of UWO. The majority of us are juniors but there are 2 sophomores as well. I live with Tiffany who is a sophomore and also another girl from Hungary. Tiff and I are both here for the semester, but some of the students are only here until January 29th. Anna is the girl from Hungary and she is my age. She will be staying with our family until February 6th. Susie and Jessi are both from UWO and they live with another family. They are leaving on the 29th to go back to The States. Andrea from UWGB is also going home on the 29th and she lives alone with a family. Jasmine is the last girl and she lives alone with a family but is staying for the whole semester. Then there are the boys, Catarino and Andrew who both go to UWO and they live together with a family. There is the strong possibility that boys are going to be separated after this first month and that Tiff and I will be separated too.  In some ways I want to be separated and in some ways I don't. I like having here there for support, but some of me wants to live alone too and have my own room. I am slowly making my decision. I will probably decide within the next week or so.

Either way, things are getting better. I am starting to like Spain more and more. I hope that you all enjoy this post. I will update again within the next week. Also, I put up my first set of Salamanca pictures and my Toledo pictures on Facebook this week if you haven't already seen them. I don't know how to put my pictures up on here yet, but I will try again to figure it out! Love you and miss you all!

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