Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Despues de mi día primero de escuela

Hello Everyone,
So another update on Spain. I really am starting to like Salamanca. It grows on me more and more everyday. I am surprised that I'm not homesick at all yet but I am happy about it. I mean yes I miss my family and Keith but I do like it here. I am struggling with the food but I am trying my best to get used to it.       Some of the stuff I really like...some if it is AWFUL! But then some of it is alright. I really don't like the fish here because it is all "fishy fish". By that I mean that it smells and tastes like it literally just came out of the water and like a smelly like. I am not a fan. But I am doing the best I can. Anyway...lets get into the whole school thing. As of right now, after my first day. I like school quite a bit. I understand a whole lot more of what my professors are saying than what I thought I would. I thought that they would be speaking so fast that I wouldn't be able to understand anything, but I can actually understand them, without having to think about every word. I like it. It is a relief. Right now, I have 3 classes for 10 weeks. I have grammar in the morning from 9:00-11:00. Then I have a free hour. Next I have Spanish and Latin American Literature from 12:10-1:10 and finally Spanish Art from 1:15-2:15. My classes seem to be pretty well suited for me. I think that they will be challenging but not too difficult that I cant handle them. So I am excited about it. Tonight everyone went out, but I decided to stay in tonight and get to bed early. I haven't been sleeping much except for siestas in the afternoon and I need some sleepys. So speaking of sleep...I should go do that. I hope that this blog gives you a little bit of insight into my school!

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