Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A New Start in Spain...

              So starting on Sunday I started a new part of my transition in Spain. The Brazilians have left, and they seemed to be the life of the party. So not having them around is different. Also, we are all living alone in separate host families. It is a different way to live. I am still living in the same place as I was, but Tiffany moved out. However, Anna, the Hungarian, is still living with me so I still have one English speaking allay. But she moves out on Sunday. So that is a bummer, but I know that it will be better for me. I will learn a lot more. I wont have anyone to speak English with at home and it will force me to use Spanish. I am here to learn, so I am happy about it. Also, I am doing my best to stay and get healthier while I am here. I am doing my best to eat as much good food as possible and to get as much exercise as I can. I feel good. I can honestly say that I'm content where I am and am making more friends. I think that as I make more friends, I will like being here more and more. I am also doing awesome with money. I have set aside a certain amount of money per week and I am only spending that. I am trying to save my money so that during my 2 weeks spring break that I have plenty of money. I am so excited and I get more excited everyday to get to see Keith, Mom, and Coz. It makes me so happy. Besides that, Keith and I are doing awesome! He has been so incredibly supportive through this whole trip. He is always there for me when I need him and I love how much he trusts me. I trust him just as much and that is one of my favorite parts about our relationship. I can honestly say that I have not had one worry about him while I have been here and just knowing that I have the love of my life waiting for me when I get home is the most comforting feeling in the world. I love him more than anything and I can't imagine my life without him. I miss him but it is a good missing, and not something that I think about constantly. Needless to say, things are pretty good. Each week things seem to get better. Hope that all is well at home!!!

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