Saturday, March 5, 2011

After 2 Months in Spain

Hello All,
I am sorry that it has been so long since I have written. What can I say...I'm living life! I has been a long last 2 weeks, but other than that...things have been great. For the last 2 weeks, Keith's computer has been broken and I haven't been able to speak to him. It was very hard and by the end of it, I was at my wits end, but now, everything is better! He fixed his computer last night, and I got to talk to him, and life is good! Also, I have continued to make more friends and am really feeling like this place is home. Spain is pretty incredible and I'm disappointed that it has taken me so long to get used to things. I have to say that I am pretty used to everything except the food. I still gets me and I still have problems finding things that I like. But at least I have gotten to the point that I just understand that I don't like the food, and I am ok with that.  I just don't like it. Oh well! I have exciting exactly 14 days I will be in London with my wonderful  boyfriend! And then in 21 days, I will be in Rome with my Mom and her boyfriend! I cannot wait! I mean absolutely cannot wait! I can't remember the last time that I was so excited! I am going to get to see the places that I have wanted to see the most in the world, and I am going to get to do it with my family. I could not ask for more! I head to London on Friday the 18th, to Dublin on Tuesday the 22nd, to Rome on Saturday the 26th and to Frankfurt on Tuesday the 29th. I CANT WAIT!!! But until then...I have 2 more weeks of classes including finals. School has been going very well for me here. I won't lie, it is quite a bit less work, but the exams are still though. However, I have been doing better than I could have ever guessed and am very happy! All that I have to do now, is get through finals and I am home free for my trimester! After that, I have 3 month classes that I will all take at once. And then during that I have 1 week off for Easter week. So, needless to say, my last 6 weeks here are going to go very very quickly! I hope that this enlightens you a little bit about what is going on here! Tonight I am going to my friends house for dinner and drinks for CARNIVAL! I am very excited! Well hope that all is well at home!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pictures Part 4: Portugal I

Photos Part 4: Portugal
(Cities included: Lisbon, Cascais, and Batalha)

I'm sorry that there are no captions on these photos.  I just don't have the 
ambition to do it right now...I hope that you all still enjoy the pictures!